I woke up bright an early one morning so I could make the long haul to work downtown (I live off of 360). There is nothing worse than opening your car up and feeling that ""breeze"" and realizing that your car has been broken into! \r
I had just driven back from California (a two day trip) and took everything else in my house worth anything (thank GOD!) except my bag of clothes. Punks broke into the nice car next to me and didn't find anything so they turned around and broke into my hooptie and all they got was my bag of laundry (all my nice clothes of course!) \r
So at 7am in the morning I had to call work and tell them I didn't know when I was coming in; then I called my friends boo hooing and I had no idea what to do next. One of the many I called, who actually answered that early, told me of a place near me; so I checked my seat for glass (tear) and drove there, crying, not even being able to look at the damn glass. (passenger side window thingy) that was busted to hell.\r
When I got there, they amazingly had people there at 7:30am. Such nice guys got me a tissue to help with my blubbering and even fixed me up a cup of coffee. They quoted me like $130 bucks (I drive a early 2000 something Ford Taurus) and said they had the glass there in stock and could fix it in like 15 minutes.\r
I have been to oil changing places with my car being the only one and it took like 45 minutes so I was doubtful...in the 15 minutes they had all the glass vacuumed up and the window fixed, they even gave my windshield a wipe down since it was a little grungy (I drive a hooptie I don't keep it very clean!) \r
I was outta there and at work by 8:30ish. I searched later just in case to see if I got a good deal, and found out other places would have charged me more and didn't even have the glass in stock, they would have to drive to some warehouse and fetch it, I would have missed even more time from work!\r
Moral of the story, go to ACE Discount Glass to get your glass needs taken care of (they do like house windows too and I saw a picture of a shower door as well-so for you peeps who can afford to have fancy showers give them a call) and always take your stuff in your house unless you want someone else wearing your clothes!!!\r
Thank you men of ACE you guys ROCK!\r
~Naked yet satisfied!~
Pros: They had the glass in stock!!!