Do Not Use ABA Appliance inc for Alliance Repair. They are untrained. ABA staff are A/C people. The Washing machine repair guy told me he was an A/C guy by training, he told me he just read repair manuals. The job, which was to completely take apart our washer, was supposed to take 4 hours, after an hour he packed up to leave. I said ""Wow your done already, I thought to fix it you had to take it all apart"" He said "" nope I almost had to call for help but I figured it out."" I said ,""cool then you will knock off some of the price"". He says"" Oh I forgot to hook something up let me finished this..."" 1 1/2 later he said he was done. The washer worked for about 15 minutes and died. I called ABA back, they sent someone out who was angry, started the washer and said it works. I told him that it will stop after a few minutes, he said ""nope it works"" and left. The washer is now locked up, can't get clothes out, won't do anything. $350.00 later nothing.