The """"tone and feel"""" of your office is striking and sets you apart. You have good people at the front desk (so often I have observed offices that do not put their strongest there). There is a professional, friendly decorum observed by all the people I have met (Christine deserves a special shout-out).\r
Communication - Somehow you all seem to communicate well. I did not have to repeat myself when moving from one staff member to another whether the subject was teeth or billing. And you all """"tune in"""" to individual patients. My guess is that your morning meetings reinforce all these things - bravo for having those meetings which, doubtless, both result in office efficiency, but also serve to make employees feel that they matter and are making a difference. A suggestion: work in """"apprectation"""" in each meeting. You can always find someone who went above and beyond or someone who received noteworthy appreciative feedback from a patient.