It's odd that although Watercourse and its sister location, City, o City, share most of their menu, the food items turn out so differently.\r
I always eat the same thing at either location: hot wings. Wheat meat hot wings. Because at City, O City, they're really good. Addictively good, even. So good that I keep trying with Watercourse's version, because I keep thinking to myself, ""this time, they won't be so awful. really. just give them another chance,"" et c., et c., ad absurditas.\r
And I'm always wrong.\r
They're like gluten jerky painted with floury hot sauce. So tough, you can barely chew them. I suppose that's why they take 45 minutes to make. the sharp edges hurt your throat when you try to swallow. it's terrible.\r
overpriced and shameful, and you feel stupid for even giving watercourse another chance. at least, i do. ten dollars for six sticks of bad gluten jerky and an obviously long-expired vegetable shred which looks as if it might once have been a leaf of lettuce, and three wilted celery bits. yes, i currently feel stupid for giving watercourse so many chances to please me with just one simple dish.\r
well, no more. are they slow? They are slow, insolent, and ostentatiously, self-consciously Hip. The restaurant is boiling hot. You are still crammed in with other diners so tightly that you can't eat without someone's elbow from the next table crashing into yours at least once or twice. All this, i will stomach for good vegan food, and go away without complaint.\r
the operative word being *good.*