A sign hangs next to the menu that states: ?I can please one person a day. Today is NOT YOUR DAY. Tomorrow doesn?t look good either.? Most small businesses I know of probably wouldn?t hang a sign like this. I assumed it was meant in jest, but after my experience it seems apparent that this is more of an operating manual for the owner. After reading a few negative reviews of Victor?s, I dismissed the comments as coming from reviewers that are chronic haters and decided to try Victors myself. Apparently, I wasn?t the one person who could be pleased on this day.
Let me start by saying, the barista?s were nice and polite, and actually seemed ashamed to explain the internet policies of the owner of Victors. After taking my Americano to a table and settling in for some work on my laptop, I was greeted by a man who told me I needed to remove my backpack that I had next to me on the bench. He then grabbed the chair on the opposite side of the table and forcefully shoved it into my knee! It really hurt! Socially inept, or totally unaware, he continued through the seating area and seemed to have similar conversations with a few other ?violators? who dared patronize his caf?.
As far as the coffee, my double shot Americano was terribly under-extracted. I watched as the barista pulled the shot in well under 10 seconds. They have all the equipment on the counter to grind, dose, tamp, and pull a great shot, so I suppose it is poor training or lack of quality control. I don't know if the beans they roast in house are any good as the barista killed the shot.
I will probably never return to Victors coffee, which is sad as Redmond seems to have a lack of good non-chain coffee options.