I used to go here up to three mornings a week before work, grab a beautiful coffee read a chapter. It was my way of dedicating a bit of time to reading something for me before heading of to work. One morning I needed to do some prep for work, popped out my laptop and did some work while having my coffee. Same treatment as others have described, Walter came and told me I was out of time - laptops were limited to one hour. A group that meets there often had sat there for longer chatting and were not told to move along, just me. And there were empty tables!. Now I go to Kirkland Kahili Coffee. They welcome you and your laptops and your friends (plugins and wireless!) and there coffee is even better. Victor's? Why bother! I have gone back when Walter is not there, and found it very pleasant.
Pros: Nice cofee - not that automated Starbuck's hooey
Cons: Walter - does he know how offensive he is?