I had brought my pet in there a few weeks ago because she was vomiting over and over again when she woke up in the morning. She seemed pretty dehydrated, so I brought her in and Dr. Bianco and Dr. Luce were able to evaluate her and do an ultrasound to determine if she had eaten something she shouldn't. She seemed fine, but they recommended hospitalizing her so that she could become re hydrated on fluids. During her stay, however, she continued to vomit, and she started to have very odd moments where she seemed weak and was not able to stand on her own anymore, which was not like her at all. When Dr. Fenty came in, she told me she believed my dog had developed a diseased called Myasthenia Gravis, which I had never heard of before! After almost two weeks of hospitalization, and different medications to help treat her, my Dawn is now home, happy and playing, eating and jumping like nothing ever happened. I'm forever grateful to Dr. Bianco, Dr. Luce and Dr. Fenty for their tireless efforts