We were quite surprised at Mr. Sutton's review. Yes, we have treated the Sutton's pets for many years and because of that relationship we bent over backwards and then some when they came in and Paddy was so ill. That morning we did the exam, x-rays, oxygen therapy, lasix injection and prescribed 2 medications. These charges came to $189.00. and when the owners returned in the afternoon after deciding on humane euthanasia, the hospital wrote off that ENTIRE amount. We charged only for the euthanasia and even discounted the private cremation. The owner's had originally elected to take Paddy home for burial, but later decided on private cremation which is quite expensive in comparison. On March 9 I spoke with Mr. Sutton about the $7.00 monthly service charge-not an interest rate. Our original client info sheet has a statement that explains the $7 charge if there is a balance over 30 days. This is to keep us from becoming a free bank. Most clients are able to pay more than $10 a month making the charges seem more reasonable. Without it what incentive would one have to pay it off? We encounter hardship cases on a daily basis and understand the owner's predicament, but we must also keep staff on hand and pay our overhead to keep the doors open. Addressing the aspirin issue: On Sept 9, 2010, the owner requested a refill of the pain medication used for Paddy's arthritis. They spoke with the veterinarian who recommended blood work to check kidney and liver values before refilling. The owner was worried about money so they were advised to try 80mg aspirin every 48-72 hours until they had money for the lab and medication. This is the approved dose of aspirin for cats from the North American Companion Animal Formulary, a pharmacy guide. Aspirin can be toxic in certain situations and doses and this was discussed with the owner. This was not the cause of the congestive heart failure.