A few weeks ago I was at my wits end, after going to four different shops and my problem was not solved and them charging me for work that was not fixed. I found Surgical Auto Repair from another shop who was honest to tell me that they could not fix the problem. I was very skeptical but I called and made an appointment, this was the best call I ever made. I explained my dilemma to the mechanic, my car kept stalling anytime that my foot was not on the accelerator. He listened attentively to what I was saying and did not make me feel stupid. I asked him what the diagnostic fee would be, he said before he used the computer he is going to search for the problem the ""old fashioned"" way by checking under the hood and looking at the car. He did his job diligently and thoroughly, explaining things to me as he went along. He finally identified the problem as a $10.27 ripped hose. He did not even charge me a diagnostic fee. With the experience, integrity, and honesty you will need nothing more to keep the loyalty of your customers forever. Thank you so much.