The Good: The repair work to my leaking water main line appears to have been competently done.\r
The Bad: This company uses a consumers lack of knowledge and understanding of plumbing issues and repairs to overcharge for their services. This is not an ethical company and I would discourage using them. At a minimum, get several bids before deciding to use them.\r
The Situation: We had a water leak in the coupling from the main water line and the pipe leading into the house. The fitting was under the driveway, so it required jack-hammering a 2x2 foot concrete square, digging a 4 foot hole, and fixing a basic coupling. The repair took a total of five hours (with travel time) and about $50 of parts (I'm being generous here). The charge, $5300! The math says they earned $1060/hr. \r
To top it off, before paying the balance, I asked to speak to the owner to discuss the effort of the repair and the charges. Instead of calling me back, they simply charged the balance of the repai