If you buy from them (Sit n Sleep), make sure you get what you want. We have been trying for almost 30 days to exchange our $4,000 mattress. The new mattress came today. They said they sent the best delivery team,,,HA! They bounced it off the tail gate of the truck, then punctured holes in it as the tried to get it up our stair case. They were very rough with it. When I told them I wanted to take pictures of the damage, they rushed the mattress out and almost had it loaded before I got back outside. The only thing that kept them at my location to deal with the issue was taking the keys out of the truck. An hour later, and several calls to multiple people (seems the supervisor that we were dealing with wasn't there, even though he promised me he'd be in all day). The old mattress is finally out of my house, they had to leave the mattress with the holes in it (wow, this time they got it up the stair with no problems,,,amazing). Now, Ive got to wait another 13 days to get this damaged mat