To whom it may concern:\r
I recently stumbled upon a blog written by a young mother battling brain cancer. The most recent post detailed her latest experience in the long arduous journey of cancer treatment. The blog entry describes the unfortunate yet necessary task of wig shopping. Being a young breast cancer survivor myself, I know first-hand how scary and emotional it is to face chemotherapy and imminent hair loss.\r
That being said, I was interested in reading about her wig shopping experience, and what the outcome was. Wig shopping isn't easy for anyone, let alone a 30-something mother of 2 battling brain cancer. As I perused the post, I was reminded of my own experience, and the help I received when wig shopping. It was so helpful for me to have help from a ""professional"". Then, I came across the portion of the blog post that described her experience at your business, Sharon's Salon.\r
Where do I begin? I work in sales and customer service, and must say that the way your staff treated this woman is inexcusable. Beyond inexcusable. Childish. Disgusting. Appalling. Tactless. Infuriating. To think that a woman could say to another woman ""I hope ALL your hair falls out"" as she battles BRAIN CANCER is just unbelievable to me. I don't care how bad of a day your salesperson was having. Do you and your employees have such horrible lives that you feel the need to belittle someone like this? It saddens me that there are people like you and your staff working in the wig industry. \r
Your unprofessionalism made a mockery of this woman during a simple quest for normalcy during a terrifying battle. I am infuriated by you and your staff's behavior. So, guess what? I am going to use the power of the internet to make sure that Sharon's Salon becomes synonymous with horrible customer service and rude, incompetent and uncompassionate staff. I will post this email to every single social media outlet I can. I will also post it in every single 0-star review that I will write on every single site I can. Not only did you lose a sale because of this, you WILL lose customers. Rightfully so.\r
Have a fantastic time fielding all of your future stellar reviews.\r
Amber DeVoe\r
P.S. the ""senile hag"" look is SO last year\r
P.P.S. I hope all YOUR hair falls out.