Everyone gets scammed on occasion, and most people are aware that used car dealers are rarely honest. Be real. It's a business. So, it gives me great pleasure to NOT be as cunning and skillfully deceptive as OC Public Auction in Santa Ana. Yes, I am stupid. I am stupid for placing some faith in these guys, and, now,... I have no money to pay for the repairs necessary to get my ride back to the safety standards from when I originally signed the contract. These guys ripped me off for everything imaginable, including the windshield wipers. I brought my 2002 Ford Mustang in for them to readjust the steering wheel. They kept it overnight. They surreptitiously replaced the windshield wipers, put the wrong sized brake rotors (which are not covered under warranty), and replaced the engine. IT was a sports car, now it is merely a money pit. And I am a starving college student with no money and no job, and thus, ...I am in a bad situation, in an unsafe vehicle, with no means to remedy the situation. Why? Because I bought my car at OC Public Auction in Orange County. Thanks guys! They should be in jail, not business.