My dogs absolutely love Pets Playhouse on Ponce. Everytime we pull up in the car, they know exactly where they are. They have so much fun at daycare and are pooped at the end of the day. The management and staff are awesome! Not only are they personable, but they are the only ones I will trust with my dogs. Lilly is skiddish around men, but she loves everyone at Pets Playhouse and is never skiddish. They are the only facility in the Decatur area with as much wooded, outside area, which is one of the main reasons I like it. I also really like how the staff actually interacts with the dogs. I have only taken them one other place and I hated how they only stayed inside and took huge dumps on the concrete play area floor; it also is amazing how much the staff at other locations either just talk to their coworkers or completely ignore the dogs. Pets Playhouse has great customer service, actually likes the dogs, and knows what their doing. Lilly and Riley also love to stay there overnight for boarding, they get VIP treatment, without having to pay VIP price.
Pros: Staff, Management, Boarding, Daycare, Everything