First of all, I am from the old school. We never had these sites to sit and cry over spilled milk. Everyone is human, and everyone is entitled to make a mistake. With that in thought, it is my opinion that some of these reviews should be revised or just deleted. I would bet my last dollar, that is those people would just tough it out, and call Orange Coast Plumbing with what is bothering them, there would be a good change things would work out fine. I have been using Orange Coast Plumbing for almost 30 years. Both at my restaurant, as well as my home. Yes, there have been times that I felt something should have been completed differently, and even went as far as hiring another company. What a fool I was. I am back to using Orange Coast Plumbing and the way I feel is; They do not tell me how to cook, and I do not avised them how to correct my plumbing issues. We get along Great :)