Dr Hicks has been my vet since 1985. He is the most knowledgeable, caring and compassionate vet I have ever known. I have more than 15 horses he cares for, dogs and cats. I had a dog that was allergic to everything on the planet just about and took medication his whole life (he lived to be 13) and he was a 90 lb mutt. Dr Hicks worked with us to always keep him healthy and whenever I had to leave town he stayed at the clinic and was treated like a King! He could not have been in better hands. When his time came, he was so supportive, it made it a little easier.\r
I have had him at my place at ALL hours of the night. He has stayed with my animals all night at times. Whenever I need him, he is there.\r
Except for my first dog, all of my animals have been rescues. I live 45 minutes from Katy and I would never consider taking them to anyone else. I live in the middle of nowhere, on a dead end (literally) and have many dumped and abused animals. One of my dogs had been so abused it took us 3 full months to touch him. When I finally did, I grabbed him and got him to Dr Hicks. He was a long haired dog and he was extremely matted. Michelle Hicks spent hours shaving him to relieve his pain and he had heart worms, no teeth and was petrified, but with the loving care he received from Dr Hicks, he lived with me for 10 years until recently developing cancer. Making the decision to end his suffering was hard, but again, he made it easier. I was able to bring my other dogs to the clinic to be with him in the end.\r
My newest dog, Domino was found in Fulshear covered in mange, with about 60 shot pellets spread over his entire body and a 9 mm bullet in his leg. He spent approximately 2 months at the clinic and is now the picture of health and a great dog.