NW Response to ""TomMc"" 1/30/11 and ""TomM"" 8/23/11 Reviews (Please Note: Star ratings are required to post)
Customer Service is very important to us. We have decided potential customers might be interested in our responses. This was our response to the BBB about our resolution with Tom before the BBB even notified us of a complaint:
We are a reputable company that is locally owned and operated and has strong ties to the community.
We strive to provide high quality products at an excellent value to our customers. Accordingly, we deal with all types of people in the course of our business. Some ethical, some not. I believe Mr. Mc Andrew is a reputable/ethical person. I do believe an explanation of our policies would be helpful though.
During the past twenty years we have had customers who have had legitimate issues that have lead us to refund their deposits after the statutory rescission period has expired. These reasons include lost jobs, transfers, and health issues, including one customer who passed away from respiratory problems and even one couple whose adult children were the victims of violent crime. We have encountered many people who became the victims of circumstance and we have gladly refunded their deposits.
However, we have also had unscrupulous people who have tried to take advantage of us over the years. These include a man, who decided to divorce his wife in the middle of a project, and then tried to stick us with custom products he ordered. He tried to claim he never ordered them, although he had personally ordered them. Another man ordered custom product from us and confirmed an install date while at the same time he actually sold his home and moved! If not for our deposit these would have been complete losses.
One of the most notable was a man who was building a car dealership for some ex Microsoft executives. He ordered turquoise windows for the exotic dealership. In the meantime, he stole millions from them and fled to San Diego California where he was apprehended. It took us months, but because of the deposit we required; they finally paid the balance and claimed the windows. I could go on but I?m sure you can see our point. We incur costs on behalf of those would contract with us to do projects and can be damaged when they don?t live up to their obligations.
So, when a customer wants to cancel a contract after the rescission period, we need to look at that request individually and determine the merit of such and what our damages would be to cancel the project. We feel that is reasonable. It is not our intention to take advantage of anyone; we only want to protect ourselves.
In Mr. Mc Andrew?s case, he did not let us know he wanted to cancel until about a month after his contract. I didn?t become aware of his desire until mid to late January. Accordingly, I then investigated what had transpired. I then determined that a refund was in order. With regards to tax credits, our representatives are not tax professionals and have been instructed not to provide any tax advice other than to say our products do qualify for the federal tax credit. We do not know an individual?s tax circumstance or eligibility for any credit. My investigation into this determined that it appears the sales representative did not follow our instructions and made comments of his personal interactions with the IRS. We have again had meetings about this and I have taken corrective measures to ensure this does not happen again.
I believe this matter has been resolved to Mr. McAndrew?s satisfaction. His deposit has already been refunded. I also offered to provide Mr. Mc Andrew with a $1000.00 credit should he decide to move forward with the project in 2011 which would make up the difference between the tax credit amounts available in 2010 to 2011.
Should you need any further information please let me know.
Thank you,
Northwest Window and Door Co.