I AGREE! This is such a fun course! What a way to meet people! But appart from the fun side of it, the school REALLY, REALLY, REALLY does teach you everything about bartending and then some! You never have time to get bored. I had bartended before taking this class, mostly beer and shots; however, I was amazed with what I learned. I really did not expect much help with finding a job, as I know from past experience it is just a matter of walking into bars and asking. However, I was VERY SURPRISED at the job placement services this school offered. They even sent me on a party before graduating (I earned half of my tuition back). I got a job working weekends through them, making over $500. I am more than happy! Thanks NYBS staff, I Will recommend you to everyone.
P.S. James thanks for the tips!!!!
Pros: Friendly, Job Placement, Trendy looking
Cons: , None, None