On 7/15/2011 my air conditioning went out at around midnight. I thought I could wait until the morning but it began to heat up very quickly. At 2 AM I googled Metro Energy Savers and saw that they had 24 hour service. I had used them on 7/2/2011 and they promptly came and found the issue. On the date in question I began to call every other hour until 5 AM. I was told that I would be scheduled once the office opens at 7 AM. At 9 AM I was told it would be half and hour then at 10:30 AM was told that it would be 45 minutes. The house temperature climbed to 90 degress and I had to take my family out. I informed a customer representative of my cell phone and to call me so I can return to the home. I called at 2 PM to check why they had not called me. I was told that the repair person had come and made the repair. I was upset that they did not call me. The repair person left a letter of apology which I found to be very kind. What outrages me was the extremely over priced capacitor. I was charged $236.00. I checked the price of the part online and it was anywhere from $60 to $90. I called the company and spoke to Carol. I questioned the cost of the part. Carol stated that I was correct, the part was worth $90 however they place a 150% upcharge. Today was not an example of professional business practice.