After 14 months of dealing with a "new" furnace not working right, we were told by the company that installed it that we needed to get an electrician to fix our house ground because it was too low, causing the furnace issues. Interesting that we had zero issues with any other electronic appliance. The Master elelcticians did a very thorough inspection of our house electrical system and found nothing amiss. They looked at the furnace, and ended up adding a 2nd ground wire to it, as well as fixing the one it had. After testing, the furnace ground was to specs. Go figure. I'm sincerely hoping the furnace rep will kindly reimburse us for repairs done to the brand new furnace that they installed and/or wired poorly. Regardless, Masters solved the problem and we are so grateful for their extremely professional and polite staff! I recommend them 100%!
Oh, and the immediate follow up emails are great!