I recently received a pearl fractional laser treatment for me acne scars. I was very pleased with the results, and the staff. I attached an e-mail that was sent to Charlie Sheridan in reference to my experience........
I apologize this e-mail comes later then intended, I
wanted to really have the time and space to properly give thanks. I am just truly so, so, sooo grateful to you, and the lovely Carla, an Elina of course! I'm all healed up and seriously dumb-founded by the difference I see in my face. Each day was so dramatically different and I'm just so happy with the end result. I know it may sound cliche' and you may hear it all the time in your field, but I honestly can tell you I have this new wave of confidence that has totally come over me (surprising me even). To me, my skin has never looked this good and, I honestly feel like a new person. You have helped me attain something that once seemed unreachable to me. I would like to think I have a pretty healthy self esteem/self image of myself, I'm not hard on myself if I gain a few pounds in the winter (I almost think it's kinda cute that my cheeks get all fat : )haha) and I'd say I have a over-all acceptance and love for almost all my imperfections. So even with this healthy self-image the condition that my skin was in did almost sub-consciously hold me back. I almost carried that insecurity in every sector of my life. I really don't think I can convey how I truly feel I am just so genuinely grateful! Both Carla, and Elina really were the key to it being such a comfortable experience, they both were so attentive. Carla really helped me stay calm, she just carried a comforting demeanor that helped me feel assured I was in good hands. I totally trusted her and was glad she was the one who helped through that whole process. From the bottom of my heart thank you Charlie for this amazing opportunity. I feel so blessed to have met you all!