THIS IS DEFINITELY THE WORST SERVICE I HAVE EVER EXPERIENCED! IT TOOK 2 MONTHS FOR MY VEHICLE TO GET ""FIXED"" AND I AM STILL FINDING PROBLEMS WITH THE WORK WHICH WAS DONE AT LAKESIDE! Taking my truck to Lakeside Collision after my accident was the worst possible thing I could have ever done. I was involved in a hitand run in August of '07 and had to take my truck to a service center approved by my insurance company. Since Lakeside was a ""Premier Service"" center (according to my insurance co.) I would not need an adjuster to go out and estimate the damages thus, allowing me to get my truck back I thought. After two MONTHS and 6 supplemental payments from my insurance company, my truck was 'ready.' Upon inspecting my vehicle I noticed the work was extremely poor. Again, my truck had been there for two MONTHS! Frustrated, I made a list of all the issues I had and left my truck at the body shop. The next day I called Travis, the manager, and informed him of all the issues I had with the truck and he said they would be fixed. When I went back to retrieve my vehicle, again inconveniencing someone else as well for a ride, several issues still existed. I was extremely upset at this point and figured this guy cannot get these simple details fixed so, I took the truck home. After all, the insurance company only pays for your rental for 25 days and this is about day 60 and I'm losing this battle. Eventually, I got back in touch with the insurance company who sent over a specialist to get my issues resolved. \r
My truck sat in their lot for almost 1 1/2 months before it was even touched by anyone. The insurance supplements 'show' that Lakeside was working on my truck for the duration, however, ordering parts does not mean work is being done. Since no adjuster needs to go out to this 'premier service' center, Lakeside is free to take as long as they want. Don't waste your time or money here! THIS STORY HAS BEEN ABBREVIATED TO COMPLY W/IN THE GUIDELINES OF THIS SITE
Pros: Good location
Cons: Everything else!