my car was in a fender bender, brought it in thinking its going to be done withthin a week or so. lies lies lies. after like the third week. they actulally did call me , but evey other day for 2 weeks your car will be done , then the next day its going be done and then the next. so they use that same old excuse week after and after week so i decided to see my car in person and it was a mess. it looked like my car was stolen and stripped. i was very dissapointed. did not have a car for almost 2 weeks based on what they told me. which was your care will be done on this date after the third time. i had no reason not to believe it, but guess what i was not done. when i finally got my car back after 31 days. after i took it home i reliazed. my speakers did not work my day time running light did not work my door locks did not work and my dome lights did not work,side mirror did nto work, so i took it back. and GUES WHAT THEY TOLD ME! WE ARE NOT TAKING RESPONSIBILTY FOR ANY OF THESE THINGS OMG OMG I WAS livid!, spoke TO THE ASSIST MANAGER WHICH IS LISA SHE WAS NOT VERY HELPFUL AND NICE , SHE WAS VERY DEVENSIVE AND RUDE. SO HOPEFULLY WHEN I SPEAK T O THE REALL MANAGER WHICH NAME IS GARY STEVE MAYBE HE CAN RESOVE THE ISSUE IF NOT I HAVE TO GET ME AND LAYWER TO HELP ME GET REINBURSE FOR MY OUT OF POKET EXPENSE IF THE INSURANCE CO DENIES CLAIMS. IF THIS ISSUE IS NOT RESLOVED.