I went to Humble Pie for the first time tonight for a wine tasting. It was fun, the apps were good - especially this one that had cheese with melted honey around the plate. Unfortunately, when I went to put the wine rep's card in my purse I realized (to my horror) that a large amount of honey had been dribbled all over one end of it!!!! My purse ended up being ok, I think (this just happened about 20mins ago). Then the hostess of my party was gracious enough to approach the owner about giving me some kind of compensation, a free appetizer or en tree, something to that effect. When she returned to the table she said he was offended that she had asked and said I'd better not expect them to buy me a new purse. The waiter did come over with a brawny towel (too little too late) and offered to look up on-line a solution to this cleaning problem (which by then was under control no thanks to anyone other than the bartender - who at first referred me to the lady's room). Don't get me wrong, it was nice of my waiter to offer, but at no point did anyone say to me that they were sorry honey had been poured onto my (expensive) purse in their restaurant! And on my way out, when I tired to explain that a heart felt ""I'm so sorry"" goes a long way to the owner his first response was that he didn't know what happened, and then he thanked me for my input. Which left me with the impression of, ""Go way you fussy little woman and stop bothering me."" I have to say, the purse I can get over, but the fact that the owner himself made me feel insignificant and petty makes me never want to step foot in that place again.
Pros: nice ambiance
Cons: pretentious ""can do no wrong"" attitude from owner