We ordered 3 roller shades 5 weeks ago which cost almost 2,000 $. Expected delivery quoted was 2 weeks. We need the blinds urgently to ship out of the country. We built in a 2 weeks delay. We did not heard anything from them after 2 weeks and the blinds finally arrived in week 4. However, only 1 of the 3 blinds was ready and delivered. The others 2 smaller ones were missing. We waited for another 2 days with numerous chasing. The store manager was on a trip and no one was following the case. We finally recieved the blinds yesterday but 3 parts of the blinds were missing. The handles were missing, the tops and the rollers. We basically just recieved the cotton of the blinds. They finally gave us the missing parts but the size of the tops did not match the blinds themselves. It had been 6 weeks since we first order. Service were unacceptable.