My parents are vulnerable adults. Home Safety Research sold them a $4,400 home security systems (for which they paid cash) with a five year monitoring contract. They could only use part of the system as the controls were too complicated for them. In addition the contract font was so small that they could not have read the terms. After complaining to the company owner, he has agree to refund two thousand of their purchase price and allow them to terminate the monthly monitoring contract. In addition, the company has promised to consider writing contracts in a type size that can be read. As this is a negotiation in process I will update again. NOTE TO CONSUMER: Do not enter into a contract if you need a magnifying glass to read the terms. \r
HSR has refunded $2,000 of the equipment cost for the $4,400 system, removed the system, and has terminated the monthly contract per our negotiated agreement. I have not received confirmation that they have revised their consumer contracts so that the terms are in large enough type font that they can be read by a senior citizen. I will update further if they do this.