This wrecker service backed a car out of the road, and wanted to charge $75.00. Then demanned money while I was on the phone with the insurance company. I ask him to please give me a min, and I was finding out how the insurance company wanted me to handle it. He then hooked the car up to the wrecker before I could get off the phone. Went stole the keys out of the car and placed them in his pocket. Ran over to the cop and said I refused to pay. Which I was still on the phone. We told him 5 or more time that we had a wrecker about to arrive and we did not want him to take the car. He then demanded that he was taking the car. Then our wrecker showed up and tried to pay the fees to unhook the car. Helton's refused payment from them, refused credit card, refused check, refused debit card. With in 10 mins the Price went from $75.00 to $151.63 and he never once moved the car an inch. He would only take cash from the girl driving the car in the wreck. Which he was not called to the accident by us. He talked to all of the girls like we might have been dirt on his feet. The other wrecker service even said something to him about the way he was talking to us and treating women. He then mouth off very dirty language to the other wrecker service. While he was unhooking the car he dropped it to the ground and almost took the bumper off, being very rough with it.
Pros: lier, cheat
Cons: Talked down to women, and will not take the word no