Well maybe it wasn't that bad, but please what's with all the 9's and 10's? Do only tourists review on Citysearch? I guess I can understand if someone from Timbuktu, like a freshly arrived NYU college kid, who's been eating ketchup and cheese on a frozen pie, rates this place highly. The rest of us are less then impressed. This is not real NY pizza. Real NY pizza is made of delicious sauce, cheap greasy cheese (just the way I like it), and thin, moist and crisp crust. This place's pizza aspires to be ""gourmet"" not ""NY."" Burnt crust, skimpy albeit fresh mozzarella, ok sauce and lousy service, plus a long line (god knows why), make this place a tourist trap. Go to Grimaldi's in Brooklyn for something decent. Skip John's, almost as bad.
Cons: food, service, food