I use Internet shopping sites all the time and almost always have great experiences, but not with Flirtcatalog. I generally find better stuff on other sites (Flirt clothing tends to look cheap), but I recently found two dresses on the site that seemed okay. Upon making the purchase, I found out one of the dresses was on back order and would take two or three weeks to arrive. I was fine with that because I wrongly trusted the timetable they gave me. After about a month, I followed up and was told the dress would get to me that week. I called again in a week and was told the same thing. This went on each week for another month. Finally, I asked about canceling the order for the second dress or switching out for a different dress, and I was transferred to a manager. She said that, if I canceled the order, I'd owe them more money for shipping the first dress since I got a shipping rate based on a certain sales amount. That's right, I'd have to pay more for shipping if they DIDN'T ship the second dress. As far as trying to switch to another dress, they said I'd owe even more money for shipping. They would insist on treating it as a separate order so I'd have to pay the extra shipping on the first dress and then pay full shipping on the second dress. Besides trying to milk me for every nickel they could, the manger couldn't have been ruder. I didn't really care about the shipping costs or the manger's attitude, but I pressed the manager saying that, out of principle, they should be more helpful since it had been over two months for something they said would take three weeks max. The manger made some bitchy remarks and then hung up on me. That's right, I called customer service and all I got was lip service. Maybe others had better experiences, but I found they put as little care into their customer service as they do into their half-rate clothing lines. Tatiana Robinson
Cons: Customer Service