They called me elevenish this morning, requesting that I allow them to quote me a price to clean my carpets. They asked how many rooms I needed cleaned. Being that we just moved into our home, I said that the whole house could use it. They quoted $99 for the entire house. They arrived less than two hours later. They moved the lighter furniture, vacuumed, and cleaned the carpet area down by the baseboard that is filled with crud. My only slight complaint is that one of the vents and a few chairs where not put back. Also, I was told during the telephone solicitation that they would pre-treat for stains. They didn't do that, however, most of the stains came up during the regular cleaning. So, perhaps they thought pretreatment wasn't needed. I give the carpet cleaning 5 stars. During the two hours that they were in my home they also cleaned out my air ducts, as my home seems to be extra dusty. They quoted me $199 to clean the whole house! I will not know until later if this helped to reduce my dust or not, however the price seems pretty high for just sticking a fancy heavy duty vacuum cleaner down my vents. The price of the duct cleaning is the only reason I gave them 4 stars. I would research duct cleaning a little further before I paid that price again. All in all, they were fast, courteous, and professional. They did a good job and I would use them again to clean my carpets.
Pros: Fast, Friendly, Good price for cleaning carpets.
Cons: Cost of cleaning air ducts was high.