Horrible service!!! During my first 3rd year rotations, before I knew about the discounted parking for students on rotations, I parked in this place all the time. Every morning everyone I saw that parks at that time including myself are given +10 minute step by step instructions on how to park the car by the only guy that works there in the mornings. If you try to avoid him or tell him to stop he turns red and blocks your way until you do what he says. That little ordeal made me late to class/ rotations more than twice. Then today (since I'm not in a rotation because I am studying for step 2) I had to park at ESP because had a meeting at 1:00pm and, as usual, I couldn't find any street parking. I got to the lot 10 minutes prior to my appointment but this time no one was present at the office! So I parked the car and went to find someone to give my keys so I could go to my appointment. I found the lady that is usually there in the afternoon in a lot past the office. When I told her I already parked the car she immediately raised her voice and yelled that I shouldn't have parked my car in her lot if there was no one there. I told her, without raising my voice, that I had an appointment, I didn't know, and asked for the ticket but she continued to argue with me! She finally took my keys and gave me a ticket, but by then it was already 1:00 and I was late, so i became upset and informed her of my frustrations in the mornings which made me late so many times. She proceeded to follow me out of the lot and continued to ask me about it/ argue with me! I got so upset that I told her to leave me alone because I am fed with them and I would just never park there again. She then blocked my way and refused to let me go without my car, and accused me of cursing at her when I never did such a thing! I am never, EVER parking there again! I was 20 minutes late because of her and the incompetence at ESP Parking!!!
By the way, If you are a student at downstate doing a rotation just go to the student parking office at the dorms and you'll get to park for a month or more with less then $14. You can also park at the multilevel parking lot after 3:00pm for I think up to 12 hours for less then ten bucks (about a dollar an hour!) with your ID. Plus both downstate and Kings County employees have discounted parking options. Today I also found out you can park your car at the gas station for 10 per day. So do yourself a favor and don't waste your money with this disrespectful and incompetent lot.