I disagree with the other two reviewers. When I was called it was explained to me that it was a 'free' service, and that the interview times were based on a 'walk in bases'. Yes, I arrived there before other candidates, and yes they were seen before me....however, I noticed that they completed the application quicker than I did, hence being called in before me!!!! I was skeptical that they were advertising false job postings, but I was proven wrong. The interviewer was pleasant and welcoming. We went over what I wanted and discussed if my skills were relevant for the jobs they had. I enquired about the jobs I saw online, although she could not delve any further info, I was told that they would send my resume out once I had made a few changes. I did this thinking anything was worth a try! I sent it in, and that was that! I received a call two weeks later for an interview for one of the positions I had originally applied for. I am delighted to say that I got the job! I am recommending them to all my friends.