My car stopped running and I called a tow truck, which towed me to Eastgate BP. After they looked at my car, they called and said I had run out of gas. (my gas gage is broken and always shows empty). When I went to pick it up, they had put in $12 of gas, which was fine, but also charged $37.50 for looking at it. I conplained that that seemed unreasonable, and they ""explained"" that it was because they had to put a pressure gage on the fuel tank to see if it was out of gas, which they said is the first thing they try when a car turns over but doesn't start. Aside from the fact that how long does it take to put a pressure gage on a car, if they had looked at the gas gage they would have seen that it was on empty, since I hadn't told them that it was broken. Since that is the first thing they thought when it came in, it seems like terrible judgement, as well as showing how unfair their charges are in general, how could you trust them? I wouldn't!
Pros: Over priced, not observant, unresponsive to my complaint.
Cons: own tow truck.