I am currently an employee at daycare grooming and dont get me wrong sometimes it may seem like the staff is rude, but actually I've been there for 3 years and i see my boss, co-worker, manager, and myself bend over backwards our customers. I've noticed most of the reviews are bad, but that's either because the customer got an attitude, so we did as well, cause with us you get what you give, we deserve respect and if given, you will receive. And alot of complaints are about our prices but if you take your dog somewhere else, you'll see were actually doing you a favor, please ask the price before you walk out, because some people don't understand if you don't brush your dog daily the hair gets matted and its difficult, and dangerous to groom a very matted dog which is why we have a release form.
You can listen to the reviews all you want, but i promise you if you come in witha positive attitude, give us respect, dont rush us, be polite, and understand that our job is VERY difficult(and if your dog is matted, which i hear all the time "oh i brushed him/her out" but you gotta understand you can brush the outter coat, but down at the skin its all tangled up and we'll gladly let you know, it may cause an increase in the price) and just give us the respect we deserve, you will ind yourself very pleased with our work.
My name is Dylan and ive been at the cedar park location for three years and all the people that say there gonna write on our reviews are people that didnt like the price, or were rude to us first. The other customers must be pretty satisfied cause they've been coming to us for years(we've been in business 20 years i believe) and they say they'd never go anywhere else. I am a hard worker and so is the rest of the staff please dont let these bad reviews spoil your chance for a good place to bring your dog.