I'm driving home just after a newly done haircut and a shopping trip to Costco. I'm in great spirit and driving my usual granny style self on the freeway. My chair in a perfect 90 degree angle, both hands on the wheel, driving 65 mph, and my eye on the road. I'm in the slow lane and up ahead of me what appeared to be an accident caused me to move over two lanes to avoid the congestion that was building up. Little do I know as soon as I approach the lane, a tiny terrier ran straight beneath my car. My first instinct was to slow my car down to avoid hurting it in any way. Even before I could react, the car behind me drove straight into my SUV explaining the need to find an auto body shop to quickly get my car back to its old self. I was hit hard with the back completely damaged. The tail pipe crooked, the back door caved in and the bumper hanging, about to come off if we didn't attach it with zip ties. We brought the car in to get an estimation of the cost. Surprisingly, it was a whopping ten thousand dollars for parts and labor. In comparison to the sketchy whole in the wall garages this was glamorous. Well organized, clean, professional and secure. Two weeks later, my car was back to its original state, washed and detailed. You know how people become phobic to drive after an accident? Well, I'm one and have been having the man drive me everywhere, me backseat driving, cringing in my seat with my eyes closed.