The Dj is never good, the crowd IS very unattractive, the beer is terrible- BUT, there are a few good bartenders there- but over all, I felt the club should be located in West Magna to match its crowd. It brings down Sandy quite a bit. There are a few waitress' that are rude and short with you, and you would think its because the crowd is so disgusting, who would want to serve them? But the waitress' look just like the crowd it gathers- if you hang out with pigs, you become a pig. When or if you go, its suggested to look as unattractive as possible, then you won't feel so uncomfortable and can try to relax. Try being the key word. Basically, if you feel bad about yourself, Sandy Station will welcome your money to drown your sorrows in their bad beer and be surrounded by people that probably have it worse than you do. There are NOT hot girls here in the least.