Club Allure


8925 Harrison St
Sandy, UT 84070

(801) 255-2078
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I just have a question. Do they accept foregin ID outside? I dont have a license but I got my ID from back home, 23 y-o. Do they make a big deal for this? Do they check it outside...


I got dragged here for Kareoke on a week night... Its a darn good thing that it was free to get in during December! I think we got there at around 9:30... we were hungry and the ...

Great time had by all!!! 3/13/2008

Some girl friends and I went to the Station for the first time in many years. We had a great time! This club tries very hard to cater to all of their clientele. (The 30 something and the 20 something crowds) To all of those who have such a problem with security: WTF? I would rather feel safe knowing that they are trying their best to make sure no one gets hurt than having to wonder if someone is hiding a gun or a knife. Paranoid? HELL YES! Crazies will hurt any one for sport. As far as the comments about the girls not being hot enough for them, they must have a real inferiority complex. I have been to a lot of clubs around the Salt Lake area, not one of them has the most gorgeous people in the area. The service was mediocre at best from the waitresses, but we still had a great time! Keep up the good work. Love to come back and party again! Pros: Great dance floor. Cons: the service is a little slow more

WTF? Ridiculous reviews aside (TMNT?) not a bad spot. 2/12/2008

Ok, first of all some of these reviews are completely absurd. The ones that say "absolute best dj in the world and most amazing staff with the hottest girls" are obviously the club or employees and these other ones that make comments like "ugliest staff in town" and "watered down beer" you guys obviously have a bone to pick with this club (read: fired employee or customer that got booted or too drunk). Now on a more serious note, I went to the Station last week for the 1st time in almost a year to watch my friend in the kareoke contest. The club has made lots of changes and is not "scummy" or what ever that comment was. I did get the pat down at the door, but did not get "harassed" by them either. If you are balking at having to pay $5 at the door to get in, then you probably shouldn't be at the bar. Every other club in the rest of the world has a cover charge to get in if they don't have a "membership". The backroom is totally different than what it used to be, with a real stage. There was actually a bigger crowd in the lounge watching the kareoke than out front, but no bartender ? Oh well. It was probably the best kareoke I have ever seen or heard in utah (both the singers and the announcer). Everyone had fun and did not see any drama. As with any club, there were other hot chicks and cute guys, and not so hot girls and not so hot guys, but a bit of everything. The service was ok, not great, but waitress was friendly (who cares what they look like as long as they bring your drinks). Never went to the bar so can't comment on bartenders, but the draft beer is the same beer poured at every bar in Utah, it comes straight out of a keg. It is not "watered down", all beer in Utah is 3.2% and these other "club divas" and such writing reviews should know that. P.S. I think it's funny that almost all of the extremely defamatory reviews are written by people who have not reviewed any other clubs...what is the basis for comparison then? hmmmmm Pros: Good music, good kareoke and fun crowd. Cons: Needs a smoke eater machine in the lounge. more

Quisque ipsum mi, placerat id, imperdiet eu. 2/8/2008

Pellentesque ultricies libero et mi. Nunc et augue at massa hendrerit semper. Suspendisse dignissim metus a dui. Integer nisi odio, ultrices a, sodales quis, ultricies eu, metus. Fusce ac neque sed nibh condimentum porta. Aenean cursus laoreet risus. Suspendisse dapibus tortor. Suspendisse a sapien. Nullam rhoncus. In faucibus eros in libero. Vivamus adipiscing laoreet justo. Nunc libero elit, viverra quis, auctor eget, fermentum ac, diam. Nullam nisl mi, dignissim id, placerat ac, consequat vitae, enim. Nam blandit, sapien at congue ultricies, magna ligula dictum dolor, non suscipit felis pede non urna. Proin convallis nunc at ligula. Suspendisse tincidunt ante sit amet massa. Etiam scelerisque nulla nec libero. Donec vestibulum dictum purus. Nunc eu nisi. Mauris eget justo eget sem lobortis feugiat. Vivamus iaculis blandit urna. Quisque leo enim, venenatis quis, imperdiet in, euismod tempus, dolor. Fusce placerat erat id massa. Phasellus ullamcorper velit. Chum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris convallis mi in augue aliquet vulputate. Sed neque tellus, rutrum et, vulputate sed, venenatis in, neque. Sed pretium augue. Proin egestas tincidunt enim. Vivamus congue nulla quis orci. Duis sed ipsum. Nullam aliquam tincidunt ligula. Sed varius. Etiam porttitor magna quis risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce nisi nulla, congue a, accumsan in, mattis ac, nulla. Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque lacinia augue eu metus. Vestibulum sodales, est vel pretium viverra, sapien metus consequat metus, et tristique sapien odio non magna. Nam eget leo vitae magna gravida dapibus. Nulla id diam condimentum risus aliquet auctor. Cras posuere dignissim nisi. Nam consequat faucibus risus. Nullam nunc. Fusce eget erat. Nullam mauris. In pede. Donec ac elit. Pellentesque nisl. Aenean eu tortor eu turpis gravida ornare. Ut in sem. Fusce nisi. Pros: Suspendisse velit. Morbi quis neque. Cras eget lacus Cons: Ctum sociis natoque penatibus et. more

My name is Leo.... 2/7/2008

Leo. What can I say? We don't know Leo all that well; he is the de facto leader (Raph would say fearless leader) of the group. He is very deeply religious, and is probably closer to Master Splinter than any of the others. He feels a very strong sense of duty to his sensei, and cannot bear any shame. Other than that, Leo is kind of a mystery. . . the creators need to delve into his psyche more (hint hint nudge nudge.) more

Lorem ipsum 2/7/2008

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eget felis. Morbi aliquet. In massa ante, volutpat id, nonummy non, volutpat vitae, neque. Nunc ut est at metus ultrices sodales. Nam commodo, justo a mattis consectetuer, ante urna tristique elit, sed dapibus libero purus non nisl. Aenean egestas, purus ac vestibulum viverra, nibh enim porttitor tortor, et commodo lorem leo id libero. Etiam dapibus nunc nec nibh. Pellentesque risus nibh, dictum sagittis, euismod sit amet, imperdiet ut, dolor. Pellentesque suscipit, nisl laoreet mollis tincidunt, eros odio varius libero, sit amet ultrices pede nisl a augue. Duis scelerisque rhoncus metus. Quisque sit amet augue eu mi porttitor lacinia. Nulla neque quam, aliquet non, tincidunt sed, adipiscing dapibus, dui. Phasellus vitae felis. Mauris purus. Quisque faucibus sem. Pros: Phasellus tempor, tortor non aliquet sollicitudin, augue lorem porttitor nulla. Cons: Quisque at felis. Pellentesque varius ante vitae nunc. Quisque eros. more

Aliquam condimentum ante sit amet enim 2/7/2008

Sed egestas placerat felis. Donec vel nibh. Aliquam aliquam, massa sed volutpat consequat, magna massa aliquam lorem, eget mattis nisi felis vitae magna. In odio libero, scelerisque sed, laoreet nec, imperdiet eget, risus. Ut condimentum est a dui. Praesent tellus arcu, lobortis sit amet, congue in, semper suscipit, augue. Morbi porttitor risus et sem. Morbi rutrum nunc vestibulum lorem. Nulla mattis vestibulum tortor. Donec ligula ipsum, hendrerit sit amet, malesuada ac, ornare in, ligula. Phasellus nisl augue, volutpat sed, egestas vel, eleifend id, ligula. Suspendisse eget massa. Etiam rhoncus sapien vehicula turpis. Morbi aliquet eleifend massa. Fusce hendrerit dui. Proin quis nibh. Fusce in dolor. Ut eget sem. Aenean velit justo, pharetra in, congue at, sodales consectetuer, lorem. Maecenas nec nisi. Cras vitae sapien. Cras commodo neque in neque. In. Pros: Fusce eget pede et magna fermentum pharetra. Integer nec leo. Quisque tincidunt. Cons: Etiam id ante eu eros posuere vehicula. Aenean. more

Integer lacus. Aliquam luctus, neque sit amet. 2/7/2008

Nulla facilisi. Duis tincidunt, metus vitae malesuada porttitor, tortor tellus volutpat pede, at tempus leo tellus ac sem. Aliquam commodo erat quis nunc. Mauris accumsan volutpat lacus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec eleifend enim eget dui. Nulla posuere sem nec libero. Integer et tortor. Mauris vulputate augue vel orci. Curabitur dictum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Nullam nulla lacus, ullamcorper vel, bibendum ut, aliquet et, velit. Aenean tristique. Donec et ligula sed felis euismod porta. Donec tincidunt, augue et auctor hendrerit, leo tellus molestie sapien, in congue mauris dolor in justo. Praesent dapibus lorem ac metus. Nulla mattis. Praesent eu mi eget quam euismod ullamcorper. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis tincidunt, arcu laoreet accumsan dignissim, quam mi convallis libero, nec tincidunt nisl elit id orci. Curabitur lacinia, justo a aliquet volutpat, lacus lacus luctus nibh, vel consectetuer erat sapien eu tellus. Pellentesque arcu. Maecenas in velit a eros hendrerit sagittis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis vel metus ut risus mattis malesuada. Donec feugiat eros. Praesent justo. Vestibulum aliquet, libero et tempor laoreet, dui ipsum gravida turpis, pulvinar pretium quam purus sit amet dui. Nunc sodales cursus nibh. Nulla eget diam. Aliquam sed libero in est lobortis dignissim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque nec magna. Chum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed pretium ante in nulla. Curabitur tempor purus eget pede. Nam dapibus massa posuere neque. Fusce hendrerit elit eu justo. Suspendisse eget turpis. Proin ante massa, elementum at, mattis eu, lacinia sed, odio. Pros: Phasellus feugiat magna id odio. Nullam bibendum pellentesque quam. Morbi lacus. Cons: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla. more

Avoid EveryNight! 2/7/2008

You lay down with dogs-YOU WAKE UP WITH FLEAS! Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap...Thats what happens at The Station! Thanks for infecting your patrons with such negativity they never want to go back! Congrats! more

TMNT - Hero's In A Half Shell 2/7/2008

This is Splinter! Donatello, Michelangelo & Leonardo refuse to continue fighting crime at The Staion until Raphael turns in his flashlight! LOL Raphael needs to removes his ball cap (he wears it SO LOW how can he see) & replace it with official TMNT eye wear. Its time to hang up your nunchucks Raphael - your days are numbered! more

What happens at The Station stays at The Station... 2/6/2008

Yeah because people are too embarrassed to actually admit that they went there! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Pros: Thumbs down Cons: Too many to list! more

Good Food, Good Prices 2/6/2008

I go to Sandy Station for lunch regularly. The food is good, and an exceptional value. Day service is relaxed and friendly. Pros: Good food, friendly bartender more

Fantastic Job Sandy Station Employees 2/4/2008

I have to admit, the reviews that the employees have been writing are tasty! I applause you and your creative writing skills! You know, The Station Remends me of the matter what you do or say, The B!tch is going down! Pros: Saturday night was busy....I was shocked! Cons: The only way you can get the DJ to play a song is to bribe him with a cheese burger! more

Best bar in SLC, hands down. 2/4/2008

Daytime here is like 'Cheers' because everyone knows everyone and the food is great. Night time is a completely different atmosphere and there is dancing and karaoke. I go to the Station 1-2 times a week and have never had a bad experience. Make sure you go in and try the Swiss Dip! Pros: great food, fun place Cons: Smoking only allowed in back room more

Country Night! A good time! 2/4/2008

I have to disagree with the comments about country night. I did think the place was nothing really country in appearence, but who really misses the way the place used to look back in the country days? I used to frequent the place before it changed to hip-hop and had a blast there! So when I heard they were going to have a country reunion, I decided to go for the first night of country in 3 or so years. the place wasn't as busy as I usually like, but i had a great time. The staff was friendly like it always was back then and the place actually looks alot better on the iside. The food has definately come along ways. The only suggestion that I could make is that maybe although she was friendly enough, and had plenty of clevage, the waitress was wearing a little less clothing than she should have been for a girl her size, she should at least be required to cover her belly. Pros: good service, not bad music if you like country Cons: no line dancing, waitress was "underdressed" more

We loved it 2/3/2008

This is my new favorite bar. The people that work there are super friendly and the service is fast! The DJ's play music videos and the dancefloor lights up! There's kareyoke and live bands, usually you only see that much stuff in bars in other cities. Pros: Best party place in Utah Cons: smoking room is crowded more

This place has alot! 2/3/2008

Wow! This place rocks! We went there to see my friends band and I was blown away! They have a great stage and sound for the bands that play there. I'll be going back to Sandy Station on a regular basis! Pros: great location, good time! Cons: none! more

bands, dj, dancefloor, rocks! 2/3/2008

Went there with my friends to see his brother's band, and ended up having the night of my life! Not only did the place have a great room for the band to play in, but the dancefloor is insane! So not only did we have a good time with the band, but we got to 'party like a rockstar' in the club! Pros: lots of fun, great service Cons: smoking only in one room(maybe not a con if youre a nonsmoker) more

SLC's best! 2/3/2008

If you're looking for uptight people who want to see the tag in your shirt, go somewhere else! If you're looking for a good time with people who are ready to party, then "This is the place" for you! My bridesmaids took me there as part of my bachelorette party and we had a blast! The DJ made a big deal out of our party and the waitress made sure we were well taken care of, if you know what I mean! I've never had a btter time at any club in Salt Lake! Pros: Fun! Great service! They made us feel welcome! Cons: Needs better sound more

What a waste : ( 1/31/2008

Someone is wasting a whole lotta money for a whole lotta NOTHIN! Poor bastards! I give The Station 2 more descent months. Pros: The bar was so empty I had plenty of walking room! Cons: Service is awful more

Country night? 1/24/2008

So I decided to visit the Station on the overly advertised Thurs. night, (which is SUPPOSED to be country night). Sure they had country music playing and the waitresses were dressed up in their Country attire but nothing about that place screams Country. You have a security guard (who by the way is the size of Mighty Mouse!)Wearing a cowboy hat that is far too big for his small head?.talking & bragging about all the ladies that are falling over him?I personally think he is LYING!!!! The louder the music gets played the strong his fake accent gets. I was excited to get in and start dancin away, but once I walked in the door & saw most of the employees sitting at the bar stuffing their faces and looking anything but excitement quickly went away. I tried to make small talk with the employee sitting at the bar but it seemed that I was interrupting her ever so romantic dinner (long dark hair....terrible dresser?and no personality?I think I read her tag to say Katherine) She rolled her eyes and smiled at me as if some one was standing behind her with strings attached to each cheek pulling them back, forcing her to smile. It was pathetic. I decided to go back to the smoking room, thinking I would find some company to chat with. Instead I saw a guy who appeared to be part of security drooling all over some girl. Sick! I wouldn't have been to annoyed with the fella in the black cap and Security shirt that I saw in the smoking room but the drooling didn't stop there. He was so worried about this girl & what she was doing. It was as if he wasn't working at all. He looked like a lost puppy,or maybe his hat was pulled down so low he couldn't see, so the girl he followed around was like his guide dog. Ahhh ha! That's gotta be it! Another question?Why keep someone who is not doing their job? Good question to ask the owner about the managers. Pros: I didn't have to pay to get in Cons: This bar really is a joke. more
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  • The Scene
    Long a Sandy staple, Sandy's Station has undergone a bit of a transformation recently. The too-smoky club is still decked out with bar stools, pool tables and a small dance floor, but the longstanding country-western theme has undergone some revision. Under new management, Sandy's Station is now a "Top 40 Dance and Disco Club," featuring live music, dancing, karaoke and the requisite pay-per-view sports on TV.

    The Draw
    It's private, and Sandy's Station doesn't make it easy for non-members to enter (a temporary membership will cost you $5). And while it's still a hotspot on weekend evenings, there are days and nights when it's relatively empty, which could be the reason the service is so drowsy. A few choice menu items stand out from a fairly predictable bar menu: Complement beer with a French dip or marinated chicken sandwich, both served with large helpings of fresh fries.

  • 8/13/2003 Provided by Citysearch
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