I read through some of these comments regardless we went to visit for ourselves...you will always find something negative on anything you search for on the web, that's a fact. I can't say anything but positive about Celebration, it's a contemporary church that relates to life in today's time. If you're looking for hymes and someone to sugar coat a message, then no I would say this isn't that type of church. \r
Todays message was great because it had to do with when you hear the word 'church' what do you reflect back to, what do you think or feel about that word 'church'? So many people have been hurt by people from the church, bad experiences, false interpetations or many other things that make them feel criticle about 'church' today. Those people leaving the negative comments, that's something for you to really think about for yourself.\r
Celebration is a good place for modern day believers, it's a good place to take a friend you have been wanting to invite, it's a good place to leave because you're leaving challenged. We were greated from the moment we drove on the lot by the friendliest volunteer staff and as we were leaving stopped by one of the staff, she was so friendly. It was my frist time to hear Joe Champion preach, and he is a champion indeed for Christ! He read and related directly from the Bible throught his entire message and that's real. He was down to earth, made you walk out of there thinking how you can step it up vs living mediocre, not just giving you a 'good feeling' like what some people might be used to. Church is about changing lives, not making you feel comfortable in what you're currently doing but growing you to do what it is you really need to look at in your own life to live it better for God's glory EVERY day not just 1 hr 1 day a week...\r
I can go on, must say some comments just fired me up. But overall, I would say this is a good church to check out, he was great in delivering the message Word based. \r
This is also my response to some comments, I can't fit it in 500 character limit so putting it on my review vs theirs!\r
Reading this comment you need many things that no church, people, or things can give you. You need Jesus to open your eyes of your heart otherwise you will continue to walk a life as a critical and very judgmental person. It was my first time to go there today. He read directly from the Bible the entire time, He praised God for the growth and praised his volunteers for making church happen, not at all did he ever take any glory for himself. He also mentioned he helped start over 140 churches and spoke about the impacts thats had WORLD wide! It's a bigger picture than us, putting in your tithe to help missions or helping the church financially to distribute to make MANY other things happen is what it's about-you give to GOD cheerfully, not grudging and judging what it's used for. that will never be blessed and I hope you catch that- being bitter about it, judging the pastor for what he is, where the money goes or how it’s spent, that's a whole new sermon and revelation to grasp. He related to his audience in 2009 days, it's a contemporary church that uses technology for worship and delivering a message. It’s a facebook world with ipods, blog posts to communicate, relating to younger generations. not sure what you expect but hope that you search for your fulfillment in God, not the perfection of people, churches, things - otherwise you will always be disappointed and unhappy.
Pros: Bible based, friendly greaters, great message