Celebration Church


1202 County Rd 116
Georgetown, TX 78626

(512) 828-0720
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I love this Church and have attended it for 5 years now. Joe and Lori Champion are salt of the earth people who genuinely care about people. To get the most out of any church you...


We have been going to Celebration Church for several years. We joined the church shortly after we started going there. Like one other reviewer said, we were not told about how t...

Reminds me of Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker 8/12/2010

A friend asked me to go with her and I went half a dozen times. Frankly the experience was scary and I will not be going back. I love Jesus and I couldn't find any sign of him here. That is strange that there are no crosses here. After everything I experienced and have read I hope the IRS revokes their non-profit status. more

Welcome to reality 8/9/2010

I have read these reviews and I must say it is clear what some peoples intentions truly are. I have attended this church for 8 years. I don't feel the need to scream and holler how great it is I trust in God to bring people to the church as He sees fit. I do want address some accusations that are way off base and not fair. To attack and call an 18 year old, son of a pastor because you do not like his ability to express his dislike for a President in a manner you approve of is sad. You are one of the ""open minded"" liberal folks that wants freedom of speech no matter how vile to be made without compromise, right? Except when that same freedom of speech is used in a way you don't like then you call that person names. Not very open minded. You actually use a quote off the boys FB page about the estrogen level on the view. If you actually read the statement he posted it was a quote from Rush Limbaugh and it was said as a joke. Using the Presidents middle name is not a raciest comment. This President has made it taboo to use his middle name as it is Muslim based given to him by his Muslim father and the President has distanced himself from that image to get votes. In regards to the Body guard issue so many people have stated on here, you may want the facts before sounding off. Do you know how many restraining orders staff including the pastors have had to obtain restraining orders because of death threats? No, you don't because the Pastor's and staff do not bring it to the public attention because it is not all about them and ""how brave they are to bring the word while under threat."" There are security measures in place to protect you, the attending church goer. The Uniformed Deputies are a deterrent to stop people that would do harm to you and your family. I know it is hard to believe but there are those that would want nothing more than to strike out in violence against a church, pastor, or the church families to make some king of misguided point. The same people that complain about going through metal detectors at court houses and say things like no has ever been shot in the court house why all the fuss. What that person doesn't know about is the 87 guns stopped at that check point that could have killed the same people complaining about the check point. The Pastor can not reach out and touch each person after every service. If you need the acknowledgement from a church leader instead of God then you need to find another Church. Don't trash those that just want to hear a biblical based message in a relevant way and don't need to be seen. I have seen many come and go at this church and many of those jump in with both feet but soon find that volunteering in a church is not an ego stroking position. It is about the treasures in Heaven. I will not try to pursued you to return but I would encourage you to get your eyes on the Lord and not on the World. I am at a loss at the people complaining about growing a church. I guess if you come from a small church 300 or so and the only new people you get are born and the ones that leave have been buried then I get it. The Bible never says get to about 6,000 and hold. It doesn’t say grow to 300 and hold either. As a Christ follower we are to spread the word and that does grow the church and we are not the ones to decide how bid is enough. I would not attend a church that was not growing. I wish you all well in your quest to find the right church and grow in your relationship with Jesus. more

Celebrating racism, ignorance and greed 8/8/2010

I have to agree with the other comments criticizing this ""church"". The lead pastor is quite the charmer, and pretends to be a good ole boy. What he doesn't tell you is that he and his family make over $500,000 a year from church tithes, and you will find his $700k+ home on the county tax appraisal service. This was supposedly donated to him from a church member. Rather than sell it and use the funds to help the less fortunate they live there like royalty. Joe Champion demands that everyone pay 10% of their salary to him every month.... for what? Sure he wants to grow the church, but only to will his own pockets. His son has made racist and ignorant comments on facebook. You know the apple doesn't fall far from the tree... he is only emulating his racist parents. Not just that, but they are unpatriotic. They are lying about our commander and chief, the man voted into office. Say what you will about his politics but stop labeling our president as a terrorist or terrorist lover. Bringing up his middle name is as low as it gets. Trashy Champions... real classy there! Get the word out... the Champions are a bunch of racist crooks. Oh and don't forget to buy Joe's new book. What a joke these people are. And after they hear of any criticism they will tell you this is the devil's work, lol! The Champions are the devils work. more

A Jesus-loving church! 8/3/2010

We have been part of Celebration Church for three years. We attended an entire year before joining. We came from a denominational background, so we were hesitant about coming to a non-denominational church. Also, we'd heard the hullabaloo over Celebration Church for a while, so weren't church what to expect. The first message we heard Pastor Joe preach sealed the deal! He is the real thing! His love and passion for Jesus Christ is tangible! Not once in the 3 yrs. we have been here have we ever heard one thing that wasn't biblical. Every single message he delivers is based on sound scriptural doctrine. We love the music! Some call it a ""show."" No, no, no. You're not listening! You're paying too much attention to the people--normal, every day people!--on the stage. Some here have complained about the pastor's salary. The church we came from had a membership of approx. 300. The pastor drew a salary of $90K. If indeed Pastor Joe's salary is $150K, for pastoring a church of nearly 6,000 members, seems low. The fact that a member donated a house is a blessing! We want our pastor & family to be well cared for so they can focus on what they have been called to: which is to build a church that will reach the masses of the WORLD! Not just Georgetown, Round Rock, Austin, or even just Texas, but the WORLD! Listen to Pastor Joe's heart when he speaks of the mission he's been called to. The person who posted FB posts from Mason--that's just silly. The kid is 18. Does your 18 yr. old speak for you? I sure hope not. To those who criticize regarding the body guards: Did you not hear about the pastor who was killed in the pulpit a year or so ago? Do you not listen to the news about shooters going into businesses, churches, restaurants, etc.? Thank God our church has the presence of mind to protect our pastor and that there are willing laymen risking their own safety. We love our church! We're so thankful for a pastor who is passionate about the mission of spreading the Good News! If you are looking for an alive, exciting and Jesus-loving church, Celebration Church is it! more

In the Words of the Pastor's Family 7/28/2010

Here are some direct quotes off of Facebook from the oldest son and wife of the senior pastor, Joe Champion:\r \r Mason Champion: ?""Obama is going to provide some much needed estrogen for that show (The View) tomorrow""\r \r Mason Champion: This is scary stuff. Barrack HUSSEIN Obama has sympathy for Terrorists. This is the ""President of the United States"" who was in favor of the release of a terrorist!!! It doesn't really surprise me. He should be impeached!\r \r Mason Champion: ?13% of Americans feel that Obama's policies have helped them, this is hilarious. The Government can't take care of you, it can control you.\r \r Lori Mason Champion: RT @kirkpankratz: Staying true 2 your vision attracts people God is calling alongside you & eliminates people who would pull you off course.\r \r In other words:\r \r 1. If you are a democrat, don’t bother attending.\r 2. Do not respect your elected leaders.\r 3. Only associate with people that can further your ambitions (visions).\r \r This is from a family who lives on $700,000 of property, is able to write off all of their expenses as a non-profit, and tells those members in foreclosure that they need to give their tithes (Old Testament concept) so that the Champions can continue their opulent lifestyle. Thank goodness our Savior the Lord Jesus Christ showed us by example that we should help others in need and not take advantage of them.\r \r Joe really needs to understand under the New Covenant, Christians are to give a Free-Will Offering that is not by compulsion. By trying to scare people into the Old Testament practice of tithing he is actually placing a curse on Celebration (hence the 40% of the members that no longer attend).\r \r Eventually the Champions will follow the same fate as Jimmy Swaggart, Richard Roberts, Benny Hinn, and Jim Baker. God’s judgment will befall them and they will be exposed for the frauds that they are. Maybe the property that Celebration sits on will become the church that the Champions envision, but like Saul and David, it probably will be led by another that is more favorable in God’s sight. Hopefully, Joe and Lori will turn from their current path of fleecing their flock and become more Christ like.\r Pros: Joe is a Charismatic Speaker Cons: Pastors take advantage of the Poor and Desperate more

Celebration Church - Don't forget to bring your wallet! 7/18/2010

I tried Celebration with an open mind and initially thought well of it. Unfortunately the true mission of this church became apparent. 1. The are ashamed of the cross. Try to find THE symbol of Christ's sacrifice anywhere in this church. I dare you... it is nowhere there. I guess the cross isn't trendy enough, or maybe they think it will scare off the unchurched masses that they target. 2. Lead pastor rewards himself with your tithe money handsomely, over 150k a year, plus luxury SUV, church member donated almost $1mil home on huge parcel of land. Also your tithe money helps him dress like a male model; no Walmart or target for this man... his average attire on stage is > $500 3. Pastor and staff spending more on expanding the church to collect more tithes than focusing on his current flock, which suffer in this horrible economy as he pushes even the unemployed to donate large sums of money, telling them that Jesus will not let them suffer if they donate to the church 4. Pastor tells everyone to avoid pastor-worship, yet the bill boards, web sites, flyers all show his huge head 5. Oh Lord, I grow weary of his constant bragging that his father was an NFL coach, or how he embellishes every little thing to build his image. This man is not content in his own skin and it shows. 6. The Sunday morning rock show. While their house band is talented, more goes into entertaining than teaching the word of God This church is a business, not a house of God. I can not recommend this church if you are wanting to find the path of Jesus. Pros: Nice facilities, Starbucks served inside Cons: Ashamed of the cross, fame/money obsessed pastor more

Celeration Church - bringing many people to Christ 4/2/2010

The first time I walked in to Celebration Church I saw many young people with their hands up praising God and said ""This is where I want my children planted"". If you judge a tree by it's fruit, you will see that Celebration Church is helping bring more and more people to Christ every week. With 110 acres on I35 ... and Pastor Joe's vision, thousands, maybe tens of thousands, of people will come to know Christ. If you ever find a perfect church, leave, cause you'll mess it up. =) We all love the fruit of Celebration Church!!! Pros: Great leadership team, vision and a heart for God Cons: - more

If you are a Christian 3/21/2010

If you are a Christian you shouldnt talk negatively about any church. The church is the bride of Christ. If you talk bad about a church you are talking bad about Christ. Joe Champion is a good pastor, he is human like the rest of us but he has a great way of putting the bible in modern perspective. He has big dreams and goals and is really trying to push those dreams. This church has the favor of God you can see it in the people, it's growth and what it has accomplished. The kids programs is awesome. I have read every review and some of the stuff that is said is true in a malicious perspective but those people writing it are not walking with God that is why their words are spiteful. Try it and see for yourself. Pros: Big but friendly, great kids program, growing Cons: nothing worth mentioning more

A little too much for me. . . 1/17/2010

I've been going to church for a year now, and have really enjoyed it. I wanted to try out a different church, so chose Celebrations (I currently go to a methodist church). I felt it was way over the top. At one point, I felt like I was at Sea World watching the big tv during the Shamu show...all the commercials/promos/bios on members. I thought the band was little too much - there were a few good singers up there (unfortunatley I don't think the pastor's wife is one of them...), but way too many people on the stage. Definately felt like a concert. As far as his sermon, I didn't really get it. There were way to many arms waving in the air and too many cries out from the audience. The only way I (as a 'newbie' to religion) can say it: it was way to churchy for me! Had this been my first church experience, I would be running as fast as I can. I guess the grass is not always greener, and I'm happy to report I'll be sticking with my methodist church. We have a great band...and although they sometimes sing off-key, they seem a little more real to me. All that being said, most everyone there seemed to really get into it, so I guess it works for some people! Pros: very organized, good flow with large crowds Cons: too fundamentalist for me more

Circus is Georgetown!!!! Every Sun and Wednesday!!!!!! 1/15/2010

Money Money and More Money.\r Beware this church has lots of glam and glitter but when you get on the inside you don't like what you see.\r The show must go on CHURCH day.\r The pastors ae too big and busy building this church they have forgotten about the flock!!!\r It's how big can we get. If you think 150 grand a year for a pastor isn't good take a look around.\r That's outrageous!!! God is the one saving lives not the Pastor. He has this attitude he is higher than all.\r Telling a member to repent since they sinned, aren you not the one that said on stage I got so mad one time in my car that I hit and broke my arm rest. it's called being human. You are not above all and you will never be. And scaring people into saying or doing something you want is not God's will!\r You as pastor telling them they did wrong is judging that is God's job not your's.\r There has been a big change over the several last weeks several employees being fired/laid off due to costs are too high not enough tithes are coming in. .\r next they will be checking who tithes what and where.\r well, Hate to tell you maybe you don't need to pay yourselves so much.I bet you got a raise this new year and the ones really doing the work are either paid way less or losing their jobs, doesn't seem fair.\r It's a family business look around everyone is married to one or another.\r It's a Pentecostal movement, thats The head pastors background.\r Come watch a Wednesday service completely different that Sunday . I still to date have'nt recevied a message its just pray pray pray. \r Church lets fast for our church and our place with God but we are gonna have a beast feast on the 18th (What's a beast feast a lay out of food meats and goodies for a mens conference with the pastor) even though the fast is through the 31st? either you fast or you don't??? WOW!!!!!! Are they lving what they preach?\r It seems like a cult when you get on the inside.\r Don't bother the pastor if you see him, dont talk to him he's a busy man. Don't make him feeel he has to speak when he's busy?WHAT!!!!\r He's our pastor he is supposed to be there for his flock?\r If there is one thing I would want you to get from this is BEWARE!!!!\r They are gearing up for new members this year which brings new volunteers, new group leaders and new tithes for the church, why is that such a big deal? Cause they are losing just as many as they are getting.\r Once you see this church for what it really is, you wil want to leave.\r Last year they did a offering for 800.00 a family to buy some property in Burnet Texas well it was gonna be for retreats for the church to use etc, you know what it turned into the interns housing.. How are we all using this?\r OOh yeah they hired a fellow Lousiana boy to take over the Youth and hes making close to what pastor is making why? he's in the family.\r It seems like the arch is a bunch of churchs that pass through the same names and speakers and they are at a cost for us to hear not free? what church gives you the word of God for a fee??????????????????????????\r Did you know that pastor has make up put on before service, he cant let any imperfections be seen, this is a perfect church, with perfect people.\r WAKE UP WE ALL SIN AND NO ONE IS PERFECT!!!!!\r \r I will pray that this Business he is trying to grow is stopped in it's tracks and people start seeing it for what it really is.\r He's a great talker, he can sell a good car.\r But he and no one at that church can save me but me and our Lord savior Jesus Christ Pros: Nothing Cons: Rock star in the house more

Not what its all cracked up to be 1/14/2010

I am writing today to let you know that this church body has some wonderful people.\r I want to let you know that the church through Pastor J is a empire he is building.\r He is all about getting bigger and bigger and bigger!\r Whats wrong with working with what you got?\r It's all about the benjamins!\r I feel bad for them, its the greatest show on earth no doubt. all the smoke and mirrors intact\r Hand picked testimonies, singers,voice over's for the video's, gotta be perfect to represent.\r Its all about the image they must uphold.\r If you are looking for a church like this I would say Shoreline, they have been around longer and in fact everything Shoreline has Celebration starts doing.\r I miss the good old days where your pastor was a pastor and not someone that thinks he's above all.\r Let's please leave that position for God!!!\r Another thing what church needs body guards for the Pastor and his wife? This isn't a church its a cult of personality. Pros: Great Members Cons: Beware of the staff more

Its big and somewhat overwhelming but what an impact 12/3/2009

So I have read the comments specifically about money. I will say I have attended the church several times have yet to join officially or even donate any sort of monetary amount to the church. So when the nay sayers say its all about the money they are wrong! \r \r This church is welcoming and the sermon will actually relate to you. You leave wanting to be a better person and honestly isn't that what church is all about? I have always believed in God, but never really thought about it beyond yes I believe in God. Church used to be a boring activity I was required to attend as a child and now I honestly look forward to the sermon. It has made me a better and happier person inside and out. \r No matter what church you attend, that honestly doesn't matter to me, but this church has made me realize what God and church was about. Its about being a better person to myself and others and isn't that really want its supposed to be what it's all about? \r \r If you want a church that's not about if you wear a dress on sunday and kneel at the right time. This is the church for you. Attend just for the sermon you will not be dissappointed. It has brought happiness in my life maybe it will do the same for you... Pros: sermon is relateable, very welcoming and friendly Cons: large congregation, can seem unpersonable more

still evaluating 11/28/2009

I had heard that the pastor here pays himself handsomely, lives in a million dollar home, drives luxury cars and has an outrageous clothing budget. It is all true. He constantly challenges his flock to donate large sums of money, $800 last year and $900 this year on top of his expected 10% tithe. He says to do it even if your home is in foreclosure... that Jesus will heal your finances. But does that matter? No... because you don't have to tithe and you don't have to contribute unless you want to. Sure the pastor rewards himself but he is of a breed of church leaders that feel Jesus rewards those that bring the word of God to so many. Let him believe this but you don't have to support it financially. I do recommend going to this church. You will feel the power of Jesus, not because of the rock star pastor, but because of the good people of the church. If Jesus pays special attention to a gathering of good people, here is your place to head every Sunday. Pros: Nice facilities for kids, great congregation Cons: Rock star pastor aspires to be more like Osteen than Jesus. more

great for the whole family 9/28/2009

I stopped attending church and finally decided I couldn't live with out God, and prayed for a great church for my family to attend. I know I didnt accidentally stumble upon Celebration a little over a year ago, and God has continually been doing great and awesome things in my families and my life. We look forward to every service and everyone is great, and my children love to attend the kindergarten and preschool services, it is a great place for them to grow and in their walk with God. We just moved to the Cedar Park area along w/ 500 other families that also attend the georgetown location, and it is not just coincidence that they have now expanded to a Cedar Park campus. God has alot instore for his church! I recommend this church to everyone! Pros: great for kids and the whole family to grow in God Cons: none, everyone always puts there all in what they do more

Love this church 9/15/2009

I stumbled upon this site and felt compelled to write. I have attended Celebration for about 3 years now. Like many, I found this church when things were at a low for me. I came from a background that soured me on ""church"" and I attended very sporadically over the years. I was the ultimate skeptic. I left my first service with an overwhelming feeling in my heart and I have rarely missed a service since. While I felt that Pastor Joe was very charismatic and that he was speaking directly to me...it was more about finding God in my heart than it was about Pastor Joe. I love Pastor Joe. He is funny and goofy, very uplifting and obviously very very passionate in his love of Jesus and spreading his word. I leave every service feeling uplifted and energetic rather than guilty as I have in other churches. But it is more about the church as a whole, not just the Pastor. I look around and I see the energy in the youth at this church. I see the raw, unashamed passion and tears in the members around me. I see the genuine compassion and goodwill of others as I am greeted, not by one or two, but by many each week. No other Pastor, Father, Priest, Decon, what ever, has ever compelled me to do one simple thing. Open my bible and read it. Celebration Church, the church as a whole, not the Pastor, the Church and the presence of Jesus caused that. That is what church is about. I am not sure what services some of the people writing reviews have been too, but.... I know the church believes in tithes. I personally do not tithe, but I do give generously, more than I ever have. No one has EVER suggested that I was not giving enough or made me feel uneasy. Sometimes I raise my hands in worship and sometimes I don't. It comes from my heart and no one has ever made me feel uneasy either way. I go to the early service. After it is done, Pastor Joe stands at the front and greets members. I never had to run a gauntlet to get to him and he has never failed to shake my hand and give me a smile when I offered him my hand. I don't stand around and talk to him and would not expect him to seek me, or anyone else out. He has usually less than 30 minutes before the next service starts and I imagine he is pretty pressed for time. On the subject of speaking in tongues. The first I heard of it was during a growth track a year ago. During a Mens session it was briefly addressed. Basically we were told if it happens it happens. No one expected it or pushed it. So many speak of giving their time and money and getting nothing in return. Christianity is about giving, not getting. Never give if your only concern is what you get back materially. Does it bother or concern me that Pastor Joe makes a salary of 150,000.00 a year or that the church provides him a nice vehicle? My wife and I combined make more than that in very ""blue collar"" jobs in Austin. Its not that much... Would I do what Pastor Joe does for that money? I don't think so. Would I do it if the Lord asked me. In a heartbeat. The bottom line is that Pastor Joe did not bring me to God. God did. God brought me to a place where I could find him for the first time in my life. No other place has ever done that. Pastor Joe told us once ""I will never embarrass you and I hope that you do the same."" He has held his end of the bargain and I hope I have too. He also preaches that we should never be where God does not want us to be. Maybe you were not were you were supposed to be? I hope you find that place and I hope it is as good for you as this one is for me and many others. Pros: Uplifting more

Camera, Lights Action What a show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8/30/2009

I don't know where to start except that I wouldn't recommend this church to anyone.\r What Pastor needs bodyguards? yeah with guns in a church? Who a does he think he is the president of the United States?\r I have seen things that should go on at a rock concert not a church. it's all hype to get the new member in to replace the ones that are leaving.\r Big lights, cameras, action is what praise time is about!!\r Why does he need to be paid 150,000 a year and then asking for more????\r What church asks for a heart of the house offereing every year, yeah 900.00 a family, in this economy, even if you are in foreclosure!!!\r It's like they said at a leadership meeting services on Sunday are for the new member not us, it's to get them in the door...\r WHAT!!!!!!\r Church is supposed to be about the teaching of God and not making the church bigger in numbers but in God's house!\r I have heard that this church goes through changes every year and half or so, they let go of the ones that are giving like they should???????????????????\r If you want to tell the congregation to give 10% like the old testament then don't try and teach us in the new. you can't use the old and make it the new.\r its give what you feel led to give and that you can give!!!!!\r I just don't see this church lasting!!!\r It seems they are way over their heads in debt and trying to caught up.\r I agree this is like circus the biggest show on earth and Pastor Joe it;s not all about what shoes you bought? What watch you got as a gift, it's not lets try to be the in crowd and fit in, it's about our Lord Jesus.\r Quit jet setting off to all these places that you come back and brag about, WE DON""T CARE!!!!!!!\r The Woman's luncheon are never biblical they are about what do you think about plastic surgey? The panel answer there is nothing wrong with it.\r Sex, give your man sex. Make him happy.\r Not a thing a about Our Lord jesus Christ.\r People are paying for this luncheon and it's just like going to a sorority party and trying to fit in..\r OOh and btw she has a body guard with her at all times......\r I think barnum and bailey is looking for new opening act maybe they will take them both!!!! Pros: Nothing!!!!!! Cons: Rock star show this will be with a rock star pastor more

First time experience today...GREAT! 8/9/2009

I read through some of these comments regardless we went to visit for ourselves...you will always find something negative on anything you search for on the web, that's a fact. I can't say anything but positive about Celebration, it's a contemporary church that relates to life in today's time. If you're looking for hymes and someone to sugar coat a message, then no I would say this isn't that type of church. \r Todays message was great because it had to do with when you hear the word 'church' what do you reflect back to, what do you think or feel about that word 'church'? So many people have been hurt by people from the church, bad experiences, false interpetations or many other things that make them feel criticle about 'church' today. Those people leaving the negative comments, that's something for you to really think about for yourself.\r \r Celebration is a good place for modern day believers, it's a good place to take a friend you have been wanting to invite, it's a good place to leave because you're leaving challenged. We were greated from the moment we drove on the lot by the friendliest volunteer staff and as we were leaving stopped by one of the staff, she was so friendly. It was my frist time to hear Joe Champion preach, and he is a champion indeed for Christ! He read and related directly from the Bible throught his entire message and that's real. He was down to earth, made you walk out of there thinking how you can step it up vs living mediocre, not just giving you a 'good feeling' like what some people might be used to. Church is about changing lives, not making you feel comfortable in what you're currently doing but growing you to do what it is you really need to look at in your own life to live it better for God's glory EVERY day not just 1 hr 1 day a week...\r I can go on, must say some comments just fired me up. But overall, I would say this is a good church to check out, he was great in delivering the message Word based. \r \r This is also my response to some comments, I can't fit it in 500 character limit so putting it on my review vs theirs!\r Reading this comment you need many things that no church, people, or things can give you. You need Jesus to open your eyes of your heart otherwise you will continue to walk a life as a critical and very judgmental person. It was my first time to go there today. He read directly from the Bible the entire time, He praised God for the growth and praised his volunteers for making church happen, not at all did he ever take any glory for himself. He also mentioned he helped start over 140 churches and spoke about the impacts thats had WORLD wide! It's a bigger picture than us, putting in your tithe to help missions or helping the church financially to distribute to make MANY other things happen is what it's about-you give to GOD cheerfully, not grudging and judging what it's used for. that will never be blessed and I hope you catch that- being bitter about it, judging the pastor for what he is, where the money goes or how it’s spent, that's a whole new sermon and revelation to grasp. He related to his audience in 2009 days, it's a contemporary church that uses technology for worship and delivering a message. It’s a facebook world with ipods, blog posts to communicate, relating to younger generations. not sure what you expect but hope that you search for your fulfillment in God, not the perfection of people, churches, things - otherwise you will always be disappointed and unhappy. Pros: Bible based, friendly greaters, great message more

My Church=My Rock 7/1/2009

I am a member at Celebration Church and I have to say that it's like coming home everytime I walk in. When I go to church I go looking for God and his message which is what I get. I have not noticed a huge multimedia show unless words on the screen to the song that is being played is it. I do notice how I feel when I leave which is recharged. He speaks the word as it is written and does not candy coat it. He makes it relevant for todays world and teaches us to NOT jugde but to love as God would. It is in no way fake or a show. You can clearly see that he is concerned about people and their salvation. Unlike some comments that I read he IS approachable and does shake your hand. As far as the images of our pastor and our church especially financially if your church is not growing then it's not being blessed. The finances the church get is from it's members and I don't recall anyone holding a gun to me when offering comes up. We give because we want to not because they require it. \r Now to the pastors and their appearance Pastor Joe and Lori are a young couple raising a family thay adapt to the times. I go to church for a message which is something I must keep saying because other people who leave comments are not hearing it. All they seem to notice is his attire and her make-up or lack of it. These people have been through things and still come out shining. They are annointed and bring the word and if you would listen to the message and not focus on what he is wearing (cause he doesn't) then you would get it. \r All I'm trying to get across to you is that my church is about the most important thing.....GOD! Pros: Real and consistent with the word more


LOVE LOVE LOVE this church. I don't look at the physical aspects of people but the spiritual. I love the spirit at this church and Joe and Lori. I have been attending 18 months and I never personally met Pastor Joe, but that's not why I go. God knows I'm there so what if i don't get a handshake from the Pastor. That is so 20 yrs ago. If we want to reach a NOW GENERATION, we need a NOW CHURCH. So as far as raising my hand, if that offends you or makes you think you have to raise your hands. Well that's just stupidity. I LOVE TO RAISE MY HANDS. If you sports fanatics can raise your hands then I can raise mine and worship freely. You don't have to do anything you don't feel comfortable with. So Kudos to Pastor Joe and Lori. Kellie Minton Pros: BEST PREACHING IN TOWN Cons: PARKING SOMETIMES more

Amazing Church 4/7/2009

God is in the place and miracles are happening here everyday.\r \r Thank you for a wonderful place to call my home\r \r God Bless You celebration!!\r \r Thank you Lori and Joe for making this a wonderful place for christians to show their love to our AWESOME God!!! Pros: Love of god Cons: nothing more
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