I tried Celebration with an open mind and initially thought well of it. Unfortunately the true mission of this church became apparent.
1. The are ashamed of the cross. Try to find THE symbol of Christ's sacrifice anywhere in this church. I dare you... it is nowhere there. I guess the cross isn't trendy enough, or maybe they think it will scare off the unchurched masses that they target.
2. Lead pastor rewards himself with your tithe money handsomely, over 150k a year, plus luxury SUV, church member donated almost $1mil home on huge parcel of land. Also your tithe money helps him dress like a male model; no Walmart or target for this man... his average attire on stage is > $500
3. Pastor and staff spending more on expanding the church to collect more tithes than focusing on his current flock, which suffer in this horrible economy as he pushes even the unemployed to donate large sums of money, telling them that Jesus will not let them suffer if they donate to the church
4. Pastor tells everyone to avoid pastor-worship, yet the bill boards, web sites, flyers all show his huge head
5. Oh Lord, I grow weary of his constant bragging that his father was an NFL coach, or how he embellishes every little thing to build his image. This man is not content in his own skin and it shows.
6. The Sunday morning rock show. While their house band is talented, more goes into entertaining than teaching the word of God
This church is a business, not a house of God. I can not recommend this church if you are wanting to find the path of Jesus.
Pros: Nice facilities, Starbucks served inside
Cons: Ashamed of the cross, fame/money obsessed pastor