Just moving to OKC and needing to furnish my entire house, we went to Bob Mills (B M). After having my beautiful furniture in my home about a month the sofa cushions started sagging the pillows started frayng and the out line of the springs in the back of the sofa and loveseat were visible because of the droopy packing. The pillows that were large and decorative were good for one thing and that was to hide the sagging back. Oh they sent someone out to replace all the old looking cushions and fraying pillows.but in the mean time our dinnet table and chairs which looked quite sturdy proved to be any thing but. While sitting at my new table in one of my new chairs, the chair came apart sending me crashing to the floor causing bruising and swelling to my body, not good at 62. I called the store and made the incident known to a few people and not one worker I talked with asked if I was alright. wow, should I have been surprised? New to OK (1 month) and no insurance I have my first hospital emergency room medical bill, thanks B M. I wont even talk about the bedroom set, what's the use so I'll just encourage you to be careful where you shop. What's behind a pretty or handsome smile or shall I say a good looking piece of furnture, wise shoppers should realy want to know especially during economic times like these. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure Bob Mills have some good stuff, it just never made it to my home.