Well, at least this seems fair. When I moved out of my last place, the landlord charged me for cleaning and repairs. Some of this was fair, but I had questions about others, but couldnâ??t prove my point. When I recently move in at a Beven & Brock property in South Pasadena I was asked to sign a form indicating the condition of the property when I moved in. There was even a written suggestion to me at the bottom of the form, encouraging me to take photos before my move-in. So, I did, lots of them. With their encouragement, and my photos, there should be no dispute when I move out. I like that. I think that their recommendation that I take photos can only work to my benefit. As they told me, sometimes properties are sold, and the new owner has no proof of how good or bad a property was when a particular tenant moved in. They will, with me, because I have my pictures. Thanks, Beven & Brock, for this good suggestion. I should have thought of it on my own, but thank you anyway.