Avoid this third party vendor if you can!
They are a vendor of FedEx and as such, they charge a convenience charge and, most importantly, if there is a problem with your shipment, they will blame FedEx and NOT REFUND YOU their charges, only FedEx's/
I used AWG for a 2-3 day international shipment. It cost over $150, but did not arrive for 7 days. I called FedEx and they agreed that this was unacceptable. They refunded AWG $20 which AWG refunded to me. But the other $130??? Gone forever! FedEx blamed AWG, AWG blamed FedEx, and not only was I caught in the middle, but I was stuck staying up at late hours in another ocuntry just to get through to AWG (who repeatedly put me on hold, told me to call back, and basically offered little help or clarity.)
Use AWG if you're lazy and want the convenience, but when problems arise don't expect any more convenience, and certainly do not expect a refund.
Pros: closer than FedEx
Cons: paclage arrived late, out $130, dozens of phone calls