First, "John M.", I understand the concept of the fact that of course people often share bad experiences and not good ones, but please look at ALL of the complaints about Aspen Dental. They are not just in one area of service, but in many kinds of things- such as losing records, doing things incorrectly, billing issues, changing/messing-up appointments, etc. Also, see how many times these complaints- the same ones- keep coming in, and the span of time. Aspen Dental has also effected my own family. My husband- who is the most timely and responsible person you've ever met, and who does NOT make mistakes when it comes to remembering when he has appointments- has a few times, now, been told that he had the wrong appointment time when he showed up for a scheduled appointment. He was so mad one time, in fact (because he is not able to get time off very easily, and had to use vacation time), that he drove home and then got the appointment card, which he then drove back to Aspen Dental, wh