Wow, We've paid a lock in fee, the first time ever. $60.00. They incorrectly managed our monthly fee. They can't seem to figure out a monthly budget very well, as we always have to pay at the end of the year. Those of you who paid this $60.00 lock in fee, have you looked at what you've been charged? The going rate has been far less. I understand we have to pay for what we use, but when you mis budget us, and send a letter saying we owe $100.00 more a month, you'd think they'd give us the going rate. We were mis budgeted last year also. And had to pay $500 at the end of year. AT these times they seem to be like the greedy businesses out there, and make a killing. Are all company's like this. I am not a complainer, but wow these times everyone is taking advantage on the little guy.