They phoned to remind me of my coming appointment - said bring a stool sample, if I could. So I did. (sounded to me as though it was included in the exam - wHAT was I THINking!!) (If I hadn't thought it was included, I wouldn't have brought it in - the dog has long been very well - unaffected by parasites, worms.) They charged me $47 - the cost - to test it. ... - nothing found, as I knew.
As I complained to them about this I remembered that the last time I was there (I'd forgotten, or I would have found a different vetr., they included stuff among which was a mouthwash - $23!! - that I wouldn't have taken had they asked. It seemed to come with the visit - then showed as that expense later. I guess I just trusted them so didn't check the bill. They also did a tooth cleaning - long ago so I don't remember the price - on my dog that they said had gums in pretty good shape! The work was done with anesthesia! Very expensive - for me, especially since it was not particularly necessary. I feed my dogs mainly dry food.
When I went to return the mouthwash it being so long ago it turns out this unopened container had an EXPIRATion date! a few months previous, although they told me they wouldn't have taken it as a return regardless; but that they couldn't even consider it since it was expired.
Their care is likely as good as the best, which I think is very common in this area - well, in many places. But their billing practice is unacceptable and I won't go there again.
They should at least have credited back the stool test cost - or at least 1/2 of it! Something to indicate they'd made an error - again!