The best Restaurants in Sedalia are:

      Rating: 4.6
Category: Food & Dining
5453 Manhart St
Sedalia, Colorado 80135
(303) 688-9967
I like beer, I like women, I like prescription pills, and I like Bud's Burgers. I once ate out a heated wallabee when I had no money, just so I... More
      Rating: 4.0
Category: Romantic Dining
5450 Manhart St, Sedalia, CO 80135-8000
Sedalia, Colorado 80135
(303) 688-2323
I was first spoiled with the treatment at a dinner at Gabriel's. Then, I decided to host both my wedding and reception there. People literally... More
      Rating: 4.8
Category: Restaurants
5607 Hwy 85
Sedalia, Colorado 80135
(303) 688-1249
For decades now, nothing but great food, atmosphere and people at the Sedalia Grill. It's a ""must stop"" while visiting Denver in my opinion. Make... More
Sedalia's Top Places
The best places are:
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