The best Restaurants in Lakeside are:

      Rating: 5.0
Category: Restaurants
15460 Red Arrow Hwy, Lakeside, MI 49116-5121
Lakeside, Michigan 49116
(616) 469-6545
Same chef, Jenny Drilon, now is at the Bentwood Tavern at the Marina Grand Resort in New Buffalo, MI. Go there and enjoy the same level of service ... More
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      Rating: 5.0
Category: Restaurants
15460 Red Arrow Hwy
Lakeside, Michigan 49116
(616) 469-6545
Same chef, Jenny Drilon, now is at the Bentwood Tavern at the Marina Grand Resort in New Buffalo, MI. Go... More
      Rating: 4.0
Category: Pizza Restaurants
13982 Red Arrow Hwy
Lakeside, Michigan 49116
(269) 469-4001
If you want to get away from the chain pizza places around Harbor Country, but don't want to shell it out for a pie, this is the place to go. They... More
Lakeside's Top Places
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