The best Activities in Newton are:

      Rating: 4.0
Category: Museums & Galleries
527 Washington St
Newton, Massachusetts 02458
(617) 552-7238
This is a small, community museum, but they are dedicated to the city and have great programs. I curated an exhibit at this museum for their Newton... More
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      Rating: 4.0
Category: Activities

Newton, Massachusetts 02458
(401) 821-4108
Once a month you have a chance to get out on the dance floor and try all kinds of dances. K & S gets a lot of regulars who clearly have been taking... More
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      Rating: 4.0
Category: Activities

Newton, Massachusetts 02458
(617) 254-8700
Every Friday night you have a chance to get out on the dance floor and swing, swing, swing.. Swing City gets a lot of regulars who clearly have... More
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      Rating: 4.0
Category: Activities
140 Commonwealth Ave.
Newton, Massachusetts 02458
(617) 552-8100
This is a great little museum on the Boston College campus. It's free to all visitors and is open to the public. Parking is a bit of a problem,... More
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