If you are looking for help this is not the store for you. They do have some good deals but do your research before going to Best Buy. Most of there help are clueless about the products they sell. Rater then tell you they don’t know about the product they will make up lies to make a sale (if you can even get someone to help you at all).
They lie about there so called price matching and do not even honor there own price drops within there specified time period.
We just bought a large screen Plasma HDTV from there Magnolia room and when we got home we had 12% off discount coupon in the mail. I went back to the store the next day to get a few hundred dollars back and got nothing but the run around. I offered to just take a store credit and they still would not honor there price guarantee. This was not the first time from that store.
If they have the same exact product at Circuit City take your business there as they will always price match and would definitely honor there own price if it drops within there time frame.