Incident = Approximately four years ago I had a fenced installed to
beautify my property. I chose Rose Fence to buy and install as I wanted a
guarantee and the good sense of having a licensed contractor do the
work. I paid a premium price for the fence with installation as the
price for similar fencing in places like Home Depot is considerably (up to
70% less) less expensive.
Recently a nieghbor trying to sell her house complained to building
about the fence and subsequently an inspector came out and cited me for
some violations such s grass too high. He also wanted permits for the
fence. Wel I of course I called Rose Fence my supplier and installer.
They told me at installation that a permit was not needed and I was sure
they would handle the problem. The answer I got from Mr Walsh was
simply well building would never come out and cite it if nobody called. I
cannot believe that reply!!!!
This week I have gone to Rose and I informed him that I expected Rose
to pay the permit fees. He told me he is not going to get into it but
they dont pay permit fees or get permits. He flipped over a contract I
signed at installation and in small print it did say he dont get
permits. Thats fine, all well and good but he told me at installation I didnt
need one. My question and complaint is why would he install the darn
thing without a permit and get me in this trouble with the city.
Damage Resulting = The town of Hempstead has taken me to court. To get
a permit I need a survey which is expensive. Building is talking
about variances and non conform statements and I just want to cry. I have
limited income, two kids, my husband is deceased and I paid a fortune
for the fence. Why should I get stuck with all these expenses for work
that was done by a licensd contractor who knows he cannot do any work
without a permit. If he didnt know at the time wouldnt he check? I\'ll
bet he didnt even pay or claim his unemployment insurance for staff
that worked on fence. This isnt justice, this is stupidity. Why is a
licensed professional better than a scab or non licensed person if they
are not liable to know their obligation to the city, town or client.
Get this I went to Rose Fence today again and got a reciept from them lol, They claim I paid far less than I friends were right they are thiefs. I got original reciepts from the installation. See You in court Rose. You cost me several thousand in not identifying what should have been done legally and working without permits. I will get it back from you and continue to tell the world til I do